Italian Conversation Beginners

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Italian Conversation Beginners group
When: Fortnightly on Thursday mornings
10am to 11.30 or noon
Venue: Buxton Methodist Church

We are meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 10am (sometimes it changes) for about 1.5 to 2 hours in the lower room at the Buxton Methodist Church on the Market Place.

We are keeping the group small to encourage speaking but are now able to open to new members.

Some of us have a very basic knowledge of Italian, but would now like to start having conversations asap as that is a good way of learning fast! Anybody who can speak Italian and would like to help us is also very welcome.

Due to our new location, we can accept new members. For more information please contact the group leader, Ronnie, click on his name above

Our next date for the diary is:

  • 3rd October
  • 17th October
  • 7th November
  • 21st November
  • 5th December

Front cover of an Italian grammar book - 501 Italian Verbs